Sunday, September 13, 2009

US EPA Vessel General Permit Training

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Dec 18 th 2008 issued the Vessel General Permit (VGP) under the authority of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requirements for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The requirements will apply to 26 different discharges incidental to the normal operation of all commercial vessels greater than 79 feet in length when, operating in the 3 nm territorial waters of the USA as of 9 th Feb, 2009.

This course is designed to make the management aware of the facts, requirements, coverage and implications under the final VGP and will cover the following;

Introduction and Background to VGP
VGP structure
Discharges eligible for coverage and Effluent Limits
Corrective Action procedure
Requirements for Inspection, Monitoring, Reporting and Record-keeping
Vessel class specific additional requirements
Additional state specific requirements
Filing of Notice of Intent (NOI), especially E-NOI and batch upload & Notice of Termination (NOT)
Guidance on assimilating VGP requirements with the present SMS of the company

Who Should Attend

Ship Owners, Ship Managers, Fleet Managers, Superintendents, QHSE Managers, DPA's, Senior Vessel Staff, Port Captains, Port Managers, Shipping executives, Maritime Attorneys.

This Vessel General Permit course is presently designed for ONSITE delivery – You can request Wade Maritime to deliver this course at your location. Please visit for more information and to register for this course.

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